Dominic Williams

Occasionally useful posts about RIAs, Web scale computing & miscellanea

Archive for the ‘Scopes’ Category

Red5 cabin fever – advanced scope and room management

with 24 comments

Red5 provides us with the abstraction of a hierarchy of scopes or “rooms”, to which clients can connect. In their most basic usage, scopes are simply used as rooms where for example shared objects used for chat applications or live media streams are located. However in the development of advanced MMOs and other applications, we want to push our usage of scopes a little further. This post aims to share some tips that can help those wishing to use Red5 scopes.

First a quick recap of the scope system. Red5 assigns each application a default scope, known as the “WebScope”. This scope exists whether or not anyone is connected to it (more on scope lifetime later). Once clients connect to scopes, or we otherwise create them, you get a tree structure.


Now to the tips! Note: This post is not meant an exhaustive discussion of Red5 scopes. It simply offers up some useful pointers for advanced usage. Don’t forget to read the documentation 😉

1. The basics: Scope connection sequence

Flash/Flex clients connect to scopes using code such as:

var nc: NetConnection = new NetConnection();
// ... assign event handlers etc.

// connect to scope /Offices/QueensPark inside myApp

You will likely have created your Red5 application by extending the ApplicationAdapter class. When you override the connect() callback method of this class,  this will be called when clients connect. It is important to realize that it will be called for the entire scope hierarchy that the client is connecting to. So the following code:

public synchronized boolean connect(IConnection conn, IScope scope, Object[] params) {
    if (!super.connect(conn, scope, params))
        return false;
    System.out.println("Connecting to: " + scope.getPath() + "/" + scope.getName() +
        " (" + scope.getContextPath() + ")");

Will produce this output in your Eclipse console:

Connecting to: /default/myApp ()
Connecting to: /default/myApp/Offices (/Offices)
Connecting to: /default/myApp/Offices/QueensPark (/Offices/QueensPark)

In the above output, first the client is connected to /default/myApp your WebScope, then down through successive parent scopes to the target leaf scope. At any stage, you can prevent connection by calling rejectClient(<REASON>), or throwing a ClientRejectedException(<REASON>) deep in your stack. The client will receive the reason for the rejection in their error handler e.g.

public synchronized boolean connect(IConnection conn, IScope scope, Object[] params) {
    if (!super.connect(conn, scope, params))
        return false;
    if (!scope.getContextPath().startsWith("Offices")
        && !scope.getContextPath().startsWith("Seminars"))
        rejectClient("Requested server scope not recognized");
    return true;

2. Beyond the basics: Authenticate in connect()?

Those new to Red5, or those not having to build scalable applications, may be tempted to stop reading now. They might now think they know all they need to know to implement an authentication scheme e.g.


nc.connect("rtmp://", "dominic", "abracadabra");


public synchronized boolean connect(IConnection conn, IScope scope, Object[] params) {
    if (!super.connect(conn, scope, params))
        return false;
    if (!scope.getContextPath().startsWith("Offices")
        && !scope.getContextPath().startsWith("Seminars"))
        rejectClient("Requested server scope not recognized");
    if (!Accounts.authenticate(params[0], params[1])
        rejectClient("Invalid login details");
    return true;

Unfortunately there is a little more to it than that. First of all, you need to notice the innocuous synchronize statement inserted before the ApplicationAdapter.connect method.

If you think about it, this little statement will have the effect of serializing execution of the connect() callback, and thus serializing the process of connecting to your application. Therefore if, as is most likely, your authentication code involves a database lookup to retrieve the password for the user, if there are multiple clients trying to connect at once many will spend ages in a “connection” queue – database lookups take *time* so you don’t want to serialize operations!

The next thing you should therefore do, is remove the synchronized statements from your callbacks by deriving your application from MultiThreadedApplicationAdapter rather than ApplicationAdapter as is typical i.e.

public boolean connect(IConnection conn, IScope scope, Object[] params) {
    if (!super.connect(conn, scope, params))
        return false;
    if (!scope.getContextPath().startsWith("Offices")
        && !scope.getContextPath().startsWith("Seminars"))
        rejectClient("Requested server scope not recognized");
    if (!Accounts.authenticate(params[0], params[1])
        rejectClient("Invalid login details");
    return true;

But does that solve things??? Unfortunately not!

If for the sake of experimentation (1) change your connect() implementation to the following code (2) open a couple of Flex clients in your browser (3) make them connect simultaneously (4) have a look at the output in your Eclipse Console window… you will notice that the calls to connect() are *still* serialized.

public boolean connect(IConnection conn, IScope scope, Object[] params) {
    if (!super.connect(conn, scope, params))
        return false;
    System.out.println("connect() starting work " + (new Date()).toString());
    System.out.println("connect() finishing work " + (new Date()).toString());
    return true;

The problem is that somewhere deep inside the Red5 architecture is a global lock which is serializing calls to connect() for you. The only way around this performance problem is to use lazy authentication, as described in the next section.

3. Lazy authentication on demand

Now it maybe that you have a simple application, where the user authenticates themselves when they connect, and thereafter connects to scopes and performs actions as an authenticated user. Fine.

But what if you want to make things a little more complicated, by having for example two scopes, one of which contains publicly available functionality, and the other which contains functionality only authenticated users can access e.g.
Note: I apologise if these examples get rather contrived, but they will help illustrate some points!

The solution is to add an authentication method to your WebScope. This is really easy to achieve, simply add a *public* method to the application class you derived from MultiThreadedApplicationAdapter e.g.

public boolean authenticate(String username, String password) {
    // do your stuff
    return true;

When the client receives a notification about successful connection, it can then call authenticate e.g.
        new Responder(
            function() { game.proceed(); } // chain forwards!
            function(fault: Object) {"Authentication failed\n"+ObjectUtil.toString(fault)); }),

4. But I want to authenticate in my own scope, not WebScope!?!?

As you will have no doubt realized, there is a problem with this approach. In order to call authenticate(), your client needs to be connected to the default root scope (the WebScope). Furthermore, you need a way of preventing your client from connecting to protected scopes without the necessary privileges.

You might hope the solution is to (1) mark clients as authenticated using attributes, and (2) provide another method that effects dynamic server-side navigation to your scopes. So we now have inside our application class:

public boolean authenticate(String username, String password) {
    // do your stuff
    Red5.getLocalConnection().getClient().setAttribute("Authenticated", true);
    return true;
public boolean setScope(String[] path) {
    // change scope
public synchronized boolean connect(IConnection conn, IScope scope, Object[] params) {
    if (!super.connect(conn, scope, params))
        return false;
    if (!scope.getContextPath().startsWith("Offices")
        && !scope.getContextPath().startsWith("Seminars"))
        rejectClient("Requested server scope not recognized");
    if (scope.getContextPath().length != 0
        && conn.getClient().getAttribute("Authenticated") != true)
        rejectClient("Authentication required");
    return true;

5. Damn, I can’t make my setScope method work!

This method kind of works, but there are a bunch of gotchas related to dynamically changing scope, which I shall iterate to finish of this post.

1. You change a client’s scope, by joining it connection to that destination scope.
2. When you join the connection, this will cause Red5 to create a completely new Client object, even though the actual (remote) client is unchanged

Therefore, the following code will *not* work:

public boolean setScope(String[] path) {
    IScope destinationScope = getDestinationScope(path); // your own method
    IConnection conn = Red5.getConnectionLocal();
    IClient originalClient = conn.getClient();
    IClient newClient = conn.getClient();
    newClient.setAttribute("Authenticated", originalClient.getAttribute("Authenticated"));

The problem is that deep inside Red5 your call to conn.connect above will result in your overridden version of the connect application callback being called. Unfortunately, it will be called with a new client object that does not have the Authenticated attribute you set, and which will therefore cause your code to call rejectClient.

6. Forget authenticating in connect and all is sweet…

The solution is to take your overridden application connect callback method out of the authentication process completely. You should now check whether someone is allowed to connect to a scope inside setScope.

public boolean authenticate(String username, String password) {
    // do your stuff
    Red5.getLocalConnection().getClient().setAttribute("Authenticated", true);
    return true;
public boolean setScope(String[] path) {
    IConnection conn = Red5.getConnectionLocal();
    IClient client = conn.getClient();
    IScope destinationScope = getDestinationScope(path); // your own method

    // Now see whether the client is allowed to connect to the destination scope.
    if (destinationScope.getAttribute("RequiresAuthentication") == true) {
        if (client.getAttribute("Authenticated") != true)
            return false;

    // We got this far, so we must be allowed to connect

    // Carry attributes from original client object to new client object
    IClient newClient = conn.getClient();
    newClient.setAttribute("Authenticated", client.getAttribute("Authenticated"));

7. Miscellanea

If you’ve read this article and like the idea of setting up your own Scope structure and advanced authentication scheme, read on for just a couple of moments. These two tips could save you some more time!

Firstly, you may have used your application startup callback to initialize your scope structure. For example:

public boolean appStart(IScope app) {
    if (!super.appStart(app))
        return false;

    if (!app.createChildScope("signup"))
        return false;

    if (!app.createChildScope("game"))
        return false;

     IScope gameScope = app.getScope("game");

    return true;

You find that the first time you connect a client to your scope, everything works fine, but the second time you connect your client to your scope, you get an error saying the scope doesn’t exist.

The reason is that by default, Red5 tears down scopes when the last client disconnects from them. If you wish to setup standard scopes, and have them permanently in memory, for example preserving state irrespective of whether clients are connected, you need to pin them there.

The simplest way to pin your standard scope is to make your application “listen” to events on them. For example:

public class MyApp extends MultiThreadedApplicationAdapter implements IEventListener {
public boolean appStart(IScope app) {
    if (!super.appStart(app))
        return false;

    // setup signup scope
    if (!app.createChildScope("signup"))
        return false;

    // setup game scope
    if (!app.createChildScope("game"))
        return false;
    IScope gameScope = app.getScope("game");

    return true;

Finally, you might have realized from the above that once a client has connected to a scope, they will no longer have access to the setScope method we defined and will therefore be unable to dynamically change scope again!!

The solution here is to package your setScope function into a special handler that you will add to every scope. For example:

public class MyAppStandardMethods {
public boolean setScope(String[] path) {
    IConnection conn = Red5.getConnectionLocal();
    IClient client = conn.getClient();
    IScope destinationScope = getDestinationScope(path); // your own method

    // Now see whether the client is allowed to connect to the destination scope.
    if (destinationScope.getAttribute("RequiresAuthentication") == true) {
        if (client.getAttribute("Authenticated") != true)
            return false;

    // We got this far, so we must be allowed to connect

    // Carry attributes from original client object to new client object
    IClient newClient = conn.getClient();
    newClient.setAttribute("Authenticated", client.getAttribute("Authenticated"));

This handler can be added to every scope. For example our appStart might become:

public class MyApp
    extends MultiThreadedApplicationAdapter
    implements IEventListener {
public boolean appStart(IScope app) {
    if (!super.appStart(app))
        return false;

    // setup signup scope
    if (!app.createChildScope("signup"))
        return false;
    IScope signupScope = app.getScope("signup");
    signupScope.registerServiceHandler("api", new MyAppStandardMethods());

    // setup game scope
    if (!app.createChildScope("game"))
        return false;
    IScope gameScope = app.getScope("game");
    gameScope.registerServiceHandler("api", new MyAppStandardMethods());

    return true;

If you have dynamically created scopes, you can also register MyAppStandardMethods as a service handler in the relevant application callback.

Now wherever your client is connected within your scopes tree it can move around any time it wants using setScope e.g.
        new Responder(
            function() { game.renderBattlefield(); } // chain forwards!
            function(fault: Object) {"Changing scope failed\n"+ObjectUtil.toString(fault)); }),

Hope that helps!

Written by dominicwilliams

March 9, 2010 at 5:07 pm

Posted in Authentication, Red5, Scopes, Uncategorized

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